
九九中文网>(hp同人)HP Thirty-Five Owls

(hp同人)HP Thirty-Five Owls

(hp同人)HP Thirty-Five Owls

作  者:言茗

类  别:言情小说

状  态:连载中

动  作:加入书架章节目录开始阅读

最后更新:2024-06-06 03:36:18


重译经典,本命CP太虐,作者呕心沥血也想追完(找死ing~)又名格林德沃与邓布利多通信集标签:情有独钟虐恋情深关键字:主角:GG/AD┃配角:┃其它: (hp同人)HP Thirty-Five Owls

《(hp同人)HP Thirty-Five Owls》第10页

le, and touches his friend\'s elbow, halting his step and drawing him close. \"But, Albus--\" and he grabs a thick handful of Albus\' hair, no warning, and tugs, sending him stumbling to his knees in the dirt. Gellert □□iles, murmurs, \"I don\'t need to be afraid of something in order to master it.\" There\'s naked, tender shock on Albus\' f...

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